Amazon Web Services (AWS) Quiz - level 1

Total Question : {{qCount}}
Amazon Web Services is a product amazon specialized in cloud computing services, The famous campaign now on demand IT, use this solution to host their applications, for that all campaigns used as they look for profile Devops how mastered this technology.
To help you to pass the interview and have a right answer for every question asked by the campaign, we regroup in this quiz all possible questions with the MCQ system , it is a simple way, to get understand more the AWS cloud and test your skill in amazon cloud.
This AWS Quiz cover this items :
- EC2 instance
- Principle of DevOps
- Web application using Lambda,
- Amazon database service
- AWS service SES, DynamoDB, SNS …
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Quiz - level 1
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Quiz - level 1
Your Score
{{ result.percentage }}%
{{ result.score }}/{{ qCount }}